Saturday, November 24, 2007

Clutter is really not conducive to creativity.....

I thought you might like to see where I work sometimes, this is my craft, scrapbooking, sewing and creating spot. It is more often messy than not, I like to work in order but find it counterproductive to put everything away when I haven't finished a project yet! The problem is I take too long to finish projects.....this is the little music dress I have been making for a couple of weeks for Vanessa's piano teacher's new baby ( Mitchell took the picture for me, which is why it's down going up!

This area is found in our downstairs family room, the theory being I could be creating while my family was watching TV....which would work if I would get to it more, instead of being lured by a good book to my bed!! My little shelf which you can't see reads,"Creative Clutter is Better than Idle Neatness!"....which I believe somewhat but I'm finding that I really don't work as well in clutter or disorganization! As well, I really need to take a picture of me at the computer, because frankly I spend more time there!!

Have to admit, I'm always surprised by people who say they are bored at home...I always have so many projects, books, chores and things to do! I am so grateful that I have been able to be a stay at home Mom and that Don has been so supportive of me!

Have a great day, I'm off to organize my Stake YW Secretary Binder which really needs it because we have a huge youth activity in Vernon today, we are having workshops on the 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens.......

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